Wearable Technology

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Evolution Map of Wearable Technology Patents for Healthcare Field

Serhat Burmaoglu, ... Brian Caulfield, in Wearable Technology in Medicine and Health Care, 2018

Abstract                                                                                                                                   Wearable Technology comprises all products that can be worn on a user’s body to integrate computing with their daily tasks and activities. The technology includes a wide range of devices and applications that help in collecting and displaying real-time health, motion, and other sensory data. From the business side it can be said that, wearable technology has emerged as one of the fastest growing segments in the high-tech market. Increasing with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.6%, the sales of wearable devices are expected to reach around 155.7 million units in 2019. Wearable technology patents for application in the fields of healthcare and medical devices have the highest number of patent filings, followed garments/body wear. For consumers the interest in quantifying, monitoring, and improving health metrics has translated into a huge demand for fitness trackers and smart watches. Hence the aim of the study is to understand the evolution and dispersion of wearable technology patents in medical field and identify the future trend. Patent analysis will be used as methodology and scenario development is utilized for future projection. Finally, it can be asserted that ideas registered in the field of wearable health technologies are concentrated in the framework of methods and techniques (A61B) and methods of diagnosis. This can be interpreted as an increase in the need to diagnose human health with real-time healthcare follow-up. Depending on the Internet of Things it is obvious that the system architecture and the information architecture that are needed for the wearable health technologies to work harmoniously. The integration is the key issue to work wearable health technologies in an interoperable way.

Wearable Carbon Nanotube Devices for Sensing

H. Shen, ... M. Zhou, in Industrial Applications of Carbon Nanotubes, 2017

7.1 Introduction                                                                                                                                 Wearable Technology refers to mobile electronic devices that are comfortably worn on the user's body or attached to their clothes. As written by Jayson Derrick at Bezinga.com, “wearable devices will far surpass market expectations, and become the fastest ramping consumer technology device to date, in our view” (1).

Looking back in history, it is not surprising to notice that innovation in this area is closely coupled with advancements in electronics (2). Fig. 7.1 illustrates the evolution of sensing technologies from bulky mechanical equipment to electronic devices (bench-top, portable devices, wearable and skin print devices). The advance of material science and its assembly techniques has evolved from macroscale to microscale water buckets and vacuum tubes, discrete transistors, integrated circuits to carbon nanotube (CNT)/graphene/organic electronics. There is a clear trend that the devices are becoming smaller, lighter, and less obtrusive and thus more comfortable for our daily lives (2).

Figure 7.1. The evolution of electronic technology.

Among all the units of the devices, the key mission of original data collection is allotted to the sensors (3). Sensor systems may support home-based or mobile assessment of a person's state and the data generated may be used to identify detrimental constellations or emergency situations (4). Recent research and development on wearable sensors has demonstrated great potential in a wide range of applications, such as displays, robotics, in vitro diagnostics, advanced therapies, and energy harvesting (5). In particular, acquisition of body-related information by wearable sensors indoors or outdoors is considered a cornerstone in health informatics. Besides capturing the information about the surroundings for health care and risk avoidance, certain weak human motions, including hand clenching, expression change, phonation, breath, blink, and pulse, can also be tested by smart wearable systems (6–9).

An ideal wearable sensor would be energy harvesting, adaptable to follow human skin deformation, ultralight, transparent, and have relatively good sensitivity, high self-healing capabilities, superior physical robustness, switchable surfaces, and so on. It should thus neither constrain/affect users nor require maintenance (8,10). As wireless technologies and ubiquitous and pervasive computing continue developing, so will wireless network sensors and intelligent wearable devices (11). However, the door to futuristic devices is currently locked, and the key to open it lies within materials science, as Robert Byrne and Dermot Diamond report (12). Because of the distinctive features of high sensitivity, superelasticity, and reversible extensibility, CNT-based materials have been not only demonstrated as prototypes reported in papers but also widely used in practical applications of wearable sensing and personal protection (13). Their structural characteristics, which include high surface areas and unique electrical properties, make them the most suitable material for smart sensor applications (14). The electronic properties of the CNT are determined by its structure, and any kind of mechanical deformation and surface functionalization is capable of changing the conductance of the CNT (15).

In this chapter, we will discuss recent advances in the design and application of wearable devices based on CNT materials for sensing, especially in the fields of medical equipment, motion detection, and environmental sensors.

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Wearable technology and artificial intelligence in psychiatric disorders

S.R. Mani Sekhar, ... G.M. Siddesh, in Wearable Telemedicine Technology for the Healthcare Industry, 2022

4.1 Introduction to wearable technologies

The Wearable Technology refers to keep a track of all the activities of the human and also their way of living their life daily. Some common parameters are there to record such as heart beat rate, temperature of the body, mental state and also other parameters using electronic devices such as ECG, ballistocardiography (BCG), and others which will be helpful in recording the values. There are some of the wearable devices which are attached to our daily use materials such as hand watch, ankles, clothes, lenses, etc. These special devices can also be attached to skin, sensors can be inserted to other extra devices such as furniture’s, inside vehicles. Some devices are used to note all the recorded values, so that we can use mobile phones and store it. Now the question was challenges faced by wearable technologies in healthcare domain. It was the privacy concerns of individuals wearing devices of wearable technologies. This privacy concern was the major discussion and became worst case. Then scholars thought of disclosing few cases of privacy information was not that worse than getting health in a critical state without noticing health condition in prior. This was more severe than disclosing privacy information. There used to be number of data from the wearable devices in the electronic platforms. Monitoring all these data from the patients staying currently in the hospital was a so big risk factor. This wearable device helped in tracking people’s health mainly for patients who were not having care takers. These devices used to predict future symptoms and alarmed the individual with disorders and prevented them to enter into the prior stages. These notifications are done by wearable devices using electronic platforms. This wearable technology is mainly there to maintain the health of the patients separately, so that a patient can initially notified and also get the treatment in the initial stage of the problem. In this chapter, there is a glimpse of wearable technology and also artificial intelligence (AI) related to a psychiatric disorder patients.

4.1.1 Benefits of wearable technologies in healthcare

•Wearable Technology is mainly used to make daily tasks easy. It is used by physicians to check what is going wrong in a patient’s body, into their veins before doing X-ray or other scans. Using this technology also reduces cost and is more useful for both doctors and patients.

If we consider using smartphones, it made our work 80% more fast and easy. Similarly only choosing this wearable technology there will be good progress which will also be cost efficient.

The best part is, by the help of wearable technologies, a smart device is given to the patients and instead of struggling in those emergency time, by using smart watches doctors can come to know any future attacks caused to the patients and the device intimates to patients in prior.

Wearable devices can be used to connect with other systems. Integration is done in the other platforms to know the worth. If patients are having some mental issues such as patient who cannot take sudden shocks in the investment field can have the wearable smart devices to predict which will be better for investments and also prevents mental shock if anything goes wrong.

4.1.2 Limitations of wearable technology

There are some limitations in security and privacy of the patient’s psychological data.

Ethical issues are also considered as a problem because data are transferred through wireless network and its devices.

Concluding number of concerns in contravention of privacy and security issues, which relates to wearable technology.

Security of patient’s data is the main concern and some model needs to be built in this network.

The functions built in the application are same for all the individuals and there is no any special concerns for psychiatric disorder patient’s conditions.

Few sensitive data are shared on wearable devices and developers are responsible for private data of users.

No industry has made regulations to alert users that application is effective. Mental health data regulation needs to be developed.

If app gives more than what it is built for, user may turn away from this to any other therapy applications which is more suitable for mental illness persons.
